Our Prayer Model

Our Worship and Prayer Model

Our prayer model is based on the picture that we see of Heaven found in Revelation chapter 5. There we see the elders caught up night and day in the activity of both prayer and worship. As a result, all of the prayer meetings within our 22-hour-a-day schedule incorporate both elements. We’ve divided each day into 11 two-hour long sets. Below are five different prayer meeting formats we use.

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Devotional sets are sweet times when one of our worship leaders leads in both known and spontaneous songs to create a worship environment. These sets also include two opportunities for people in the room to pray on the microphone for a provided topic.

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Worship With the Word

Worship With the Word sets are prayer meetings when the Bible is sung and read aloud. The purpose is to agree with God’s heart and proclaim who He is and His promises for us. These sets provide an atmosphere conducive to reading the Bible and entering into devotional prayer.

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Intercession sets are energetic. People in the room engage together in prayer as singers on the worship team turn their prayers into song. These sets have a specific prayer focus and individuals are welcome to pray on the microphone for that focus. Topics vary, so pick a meeting you’re interested in and join us.

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Read-Through sets are when the prayer leader reads through a specific book of the Bible each week while the worship leader plays music in the background. You can read along or just rest in His presence as the Word of God is spoken over you.

To join us during one of these sets, we encourage you to check out our Prayer Room Schedule.